Journey with me

Come and explore Adonai's ( God's )love for you and me. Post only positive comments and interpretations on the Love passages from 'The Bible'.

My goal is to explore Adonai's love so it can go from just theory in my head to reality in my heart.

I want to do this is the form of daily devotions or readings

I am so in love with Yeshua I want to hear how much he loves me. As I explore His words and love

Sunday, September 26, 2010

No 5 Other People have to deal with my 'stuff'

Ephesians 4:1-2:
'Therefore I the prisoner united with the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called. Always be humble, gentle and patient, bearing with one another in love.'

Paul is talking to the Ephesian church and to Mary Bell and pleading with us from his prison cell. He reminds us that we have to live in this world leading a life that is an example of Jesus to them. We are to live our lives in such a worthy manner to show to the world the love of my precious saviour.

I have been called by God who created the universe, by Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus) who sacrificed his life for me, by the Ruach HaKodesh[Holy Spirit] all because he is my comforter, to live as one. This is the highest calling I could ever have on my life. Nothing else I could ever be called into would rate as important as my calling to walk with Yeshua every day.

If I am to honour this calling I need to live my life as a worthy person. How do I do this. I need to be a person of integrity.

I need to live with amongst my fellow believers being humble, gentle, patient and bearing with them in Love.

When I walk this way then I am seeing even the 'least of these' through my Father's eyes. David says of Adonai in Ps 103:8,10,11 'Adonai is merciful and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in grace. 'He has not treated us as our sins deserve or paid us back for our offenses, because his mercy toward those who fear him is as far above earth as heaven.

I may feel that I have to put up with lots of 'stuff' from those around me. Yet I need also to remember that those around me have to put up with my stuff. My God is full of mercy, compassion, grace and peace and He expects me who has his nature to exhibit the same characteristics.

Joyce Myer says we often look at the world through 'rose coloured glasses' and begin to judge those around us and see their 'stuff' yet look at ourselves as 'being ok'.

I am only ok because Adonai in his love rescued me, so I need always to bear in love with my family around me.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Sh'ma Yisra'el, Adonai eloheinu, Adonai echad - Day 4

'Sh'ma Yisra'el, Adonai Eloheimu, Adonai echad[Hear, O Isra'el, the Lord our God, the Lord is one], and you are to love Adonai your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your understanding and with all your strength. You are to love your neighbor as yourself" Mark 12:29 - 31(The complete Jewish Bible)

I just want to look at Verse 31b tonight. Yeshua(Jesus) says we are to love as we love ourselves. If I am to be able to go out into the world or even amongst my own family and love them, really love them I need to be able to love myself. This may sound easy, but look at the way I treat myself. I will often look at myself and see ugly. Yet God has created me beautiful. While I think this though, I will begin to feel this way and so begin to act ugly. How do I act ugly?

I start comparing myself with others - envy sets in, I am better looking than her, I am not as good looking as her. Envy then starts in other places, I speak better than her, I don't speak as well, I am smarter than her, she is smarter than me. So love is driven out of my heart. My heart which should be full of God's love is now full of envy, bitterness and strife. My heart needs to be filled with God's Love. If I cannot love myself I am never going to be able to love my neighbour. I can offend myself, others and God with attitudes like this.
I nullify what Jesus has done for me. He loves me! He loves me! Me, yes really He does. He loves me unconditionally, his word tells me(will look at this topic another day.) So if I continue in that sort of self talk of envy and not of Love then I am offending God.

I need to dwell on His Love for me.

I just want to really love you my Jesus with all my heart. Thank you that you are cleansing my heart. My heart which is deceitful above all else is being renewed every day and filled with the 'knowledge of your love.'

I just want to really love you my Jesus with all my soul. My soul, that infinite part of me that is joined to you, a spiritual joining. This is the part of me that confirms to my heart and spirit that I am one with you as you were one with the Father.

I just want to really love you my Jesus with all my understanding. Jesus this is what I am doing here. I am searching out your word and seeing how is it that you have told me and shown me what is Love.
I just want to really love you my Jesus with all my strength.

I guess this strength could mean physical, emotional and mental strengths. The physical - to speak out to myself and others that you really do love them.

The emotional - that wavery part of my being that is inclined to lead me astray. To inform my emotions not to dwell on the negative or offending statements, but to dwell on what is really true - that Jesus loves me.

The mental - use the brains I have been wonderfully endowed with by God and write, sing, speak, memorise, do what ever it takes to put this powerful fact into practice in my own life. Thank you Jesus PTL (Praise The Lord) Hallelulia!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day 3 ' Get over it Mary'

"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners , Christ died for us." Romans 5:8(NIV).
"But God showed how much he loved us by having Christ die for us, even when we were sinful. Rom 5:8(The Bible for Today).
"But God has shown us how much he loves us-it was while we were still sinners that Christ died for us!'Rom 5:8(Good News Bible).
"Amazingly God who created Maary and said she was good, showed how much He loved Mary, even though He knew I was a sinner, totally disregarding His love and hating Him, yet even while I was full of hatred for Him, he sent Jesus (Yeshua) to die for me. God sent his innocent son to take my place." Rom5:8 (My own interpretation)

I have often sung that Hymn 'Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all.' Yet this love that God had for me I don't fully comprehend. How is it that he can love when I didn't even love him. How is it that He loves mankind, loving those who deny him, those who use his name as a swear word, yet He says He does. He didn't wait for them to take the first step of loving him then He would love in return. He took that step of faith, said look I am sending 'You are My own dear Son. I am pleased with you." (Luke 3:22b, Good News Bible. He loved Me even when I was not loving him, when I was hating him, when I was offending him and treating Him like a piece of dirt. How could someone love me when all I did was despise Him. Yet this is this amazing love, so divine, that He could love a sinner like Mary, and all I can do is say thank you.

God says this to you & you & you. How then can I be offended by you, how then do I offend you. Have I forgotton the sacrifice Yeshua made for me. He did not get offended when people rejected him, when people spoke out aginst himm. He was so secure in his fathers love, that He could just continue loving all of mankind.

My Jesus this is the path I want to walk. To be so secure in your love that I am not easily offended, that it really doesn't matter what others are saying about me either to my face or behind my back. I want to be sensitive to others, to not always be thinking of my self so that I do not give offense to others. To not be rude, to not gossip, to not be anxious, to be a joyful person to be around. To do this Jesus I need to know in my heart and speak aloud how much I am loved, then I will be really able to love others. Not to judge, not to be easily offended, not to need others to tell me how good or how lovely I look in order to feel good about myself. I want to just dwell in your presence and your love. Thank you so much Jesus, I love you.

Monday, August 23, 2010

For God So Loved me, He who sits high above in the Heavens

Day 2

"For thus says the High, Exalted One who lives forever, whose name is Holy: 'I live in the high and holy place but also with the broken and humble, in order to revive the spirit of the humble and revive the hearts of the broken ones." Isaiah 57:15

I just love the amazing pictures we can get in this century from the Hubble telescope. This one is a nebula that is close to the constellation of Taurus. It is a star forming region and a floating mountain of intersteller dust. My God whom I love so much, who calls himself the 'High and exhaulted one' looks out into space to see these amazing sights. He has these just for his own enjoyment, to show His glory. His glory which the stars and conselations have been proclaiming since the beginning of time.

My Jesus who sits with His Father in the heavenly places loves me with an everlasting love. Yet even though He lives high above He promises he will live with the Humble and broken person that I am. Jesus never let me become proud and arrogant for then you will hate me (Prov 8:13) and I will be of no use to you. I want you to always dwell in me and to continue 'creating in me a clean heart, God: renew in me a resolute spirit. Restore my joy in your salvation and let a willing spirit uphold me. Then I will teach the wicked your ways, and sinners will return to you.' Ps51: 10,12,13

As you revive my spirit and restore my joy I can gaze on the heavens above and look at these incredible photo's I want to be filled with such and awe and love for You who holds me in the palm of your hand because you love me so much. today I have spoken out loud you words and my spirit has been joyful in all circumstances.

I love you Jesus

Sunday, August 22, 2010

For God So Loved Me

Day 1 Love
by Mary Bell on Friday, August 20, 2010 at 8:13pm

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only and unique Son, so that everyone who trusts in him may have eternal life, instead of being utterly destroyed." John 3:16 ' Complete Jewish Bible'.

I see new born babies and ponder on that incredible event that occurred over 2000 yrs ago in Bethlehem. God who created the world with a word from his mouth, condensed himself somehow and became a tiny cell inside Myriam and was born a tiny baby.

To think that God could love me so much that He could give up the one and only precious person of his son so I could live. My Jesus I am just so thankful for all you have done for me. Such love you had for me that you didn't want to see me utterly destroyed. Jesus I love you so much